Established in 1997 by the late Elwin Rutledge, Our Commitment, Inc has been serving the community for over 25 years. Initially established to help the terminally ill, our mission has expanded to help the underserved community.
Health, Education, and housing are three areas in which we take a keen interest. We will be partnering with the City of Hawthorne's efforts to get people into transitional housing. Stay tuned for more information.
For more information or to express your desire to help, please email us at lisa@ourcommitment.org
President- Lisa J Tucker (2022)
CFO- Tondolela Woolfolk (2017)
Secretary- Phyllis M Causey (2014)
Project Development- Pamela Funderburke (2015)
We believe everyone can embrace who they are,
can define their future, and can change the world.
Our Mission
Our Commitment is dedicated to helping people and families in need of housing, education and jobs.
We are committed to improving lives of those who need it by providing necessary resources to get them to a place of self-sufficiency.
Our Vision
Partnering with organizations that provide food and housing is key to ending homelessness.
Donations of items like personal care and clothing go a long way to helping people gain self-esteem, confidence, pride. When you have a positive outlook on your life, you are motivated to improve your circumstances. Sometimes, a helping hand is that stepping stone to a better tomorrow.